businesses we partner with

Madison makes

Madison makes is a crochet item and thrift clothing shop. All her products are hand-made with eco-friendly yarn. Madison never wastes yarn and any leftover yarn she re purpose into another product or donated. Madison also is involved with charitable causes and does a lot of work with nature in the area.

De Paz Insurance

De Paz insurance is an insurance brokerage ( affiliated with us) that specializes in life, auto, motorcycle, home insurance, and registration services. De Paz insurance is currently in the process of going paperless. In a low-income area, De Paz Insurance provides cheaper insurance so everyone can afford it. De Paz insurance creates very little air pollution and no water pollution or waste pollution.

Keola's Burritos

Keola's burritos is an upscale Mexican grill that uses fresh ingredients and offers options for any dietary restrictions you may have. Keolas grill uses a mix of high- quality meats ( ground beef) and (chorizo) and imported beans from Mexico, covered in handpicked salsa. With Keola's burritos using a new and upcoming form of restraints (ghost kitchens) their pollution is very low. And their carbon footprint is better than the national average. Keola's burritos have also volunteered for multiple beach clean up and pond builds.

New businsses being added !

Because of new businesses being added daily we are making changes to our partner section check back in a day or 2 for new sustainable businesses!